Archive for Gaming

The Reunion

“She was fearless and crazier than him. She was his queen, and God help anyone who dared to disrespect his queen.”
–Amanda Lawler from the film “Suicide Squad” 2016. Romanticizing and normalizing an oft-potentially fatal abusive relationship of codependence and Stockholm syndrome

TRIGGER WARNING: This scenario deals with matters of abuse, psychological predation and has no happy ending. No matter what, the PC’s cannot save the day, stop the madness or have any sort of victory, even pyrrhic. They are merely unknowingly hopping on the merry-go-round in hell for a few spins and hopping off, left to deal with what they have seen. Not all stories have a happy ending, and not all are about you. The players will be creeping into a very personal and eternal hell for a couple. Some people are just damned, and still others don’t even deserve their damnation. This is one of those cases. Continue reading »

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Keeper, please ignore the “Income” section on the back of the character sheets. Assume they have the funds to cover ordinary expenses.

A weapons PDF is included, as the Investigators will no doubt want some. Allow them to buy anything legal and reasonable, and possibly some dynamite of course.

The scenes in this scenario are not necessarily in order. They occur as per Investigator actions.

As with all scenarios, please read this two or three times before running it in order to familiarize yourself with it. Continue reading »

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We’re still looking!! Write games!

We’re still looking for folks to help out for the upcoming secret project! Get ahold of us today!

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Scenario Writers wanted

Are you a Cthulhu gamer? Do you like writing scenarios? Have you never writen one and find yourself wanting to try it? Do you have a little extra time?  Contact trollboy@(I’ll let you guess the rest of the email address as your eyes drift up at the domain) for  a secret project.

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Ink and Blood

Ink and Blood
Thursday, March 15th 1934

Regarding Handouts

Many handouts are not in the order in which they are needed, largely due to the author’s lack of computer sophistication. Once they are clipped, it should be easy enough to organize them. Also, note that much of the correspondence has two versions, depending on when the Investigators find them.

Character Creation

At least one Investigator should be a police detective or something similar, and at least one associated with Professor Henry Armitage, the head librarian at Miskatonic University’s Orne Library. The Investigators may or may not know one another prior to the campaign, at the Keeper’s discretion.
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Volshebnaya palochka

As part of his payment, Grigor sat through the anguish of having his Adam’s apple branded with a dirty needle covered in ash and urine tied to an ancient split twig. His vocation is now official, with the death’s of the snitch’s family he is now a murderer for hire.

In 1919 the Soviets take Russia.  One of the first thing they do is essentially eliminate crime. They did this with over four million Russian citizens convicted for a wide variety of crimes.  This breaking of the criminal element of Russia forced them to evolve. It forced them to become hard. It forced them to organize.  It forced them to form the вор в зако́не (Thieves of Law). Continue reading »

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Stand and Deliver

The Game Master is a story teller. As such, he needs to be one of the key focal points of the game session. Think of him as the Ring Master at a circus. Even if he is not one of the performers, his job is to direct the attention and focus of the audience. When was the last time you saw a Ring Master that sat quietly in the corner or behind a partition? Never. He is always standing boldly in the center of the action, unless of course he is stepping aside so that the audience can give their attention to a performer, which is where he directs there attention.
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180 Degrees of Separation

In a tradition that dates back to the early days of role-playing, many Game Masters have become accustom to separating themselves from their players with that ubiquitous cardboard barrier known as the GM screen. Tradition is not always good.
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Rule #1: NO BOXED TEXT !

This is a mistake I see even experienced Game Masters make all too often, and it is one of my biggest pet peeves. You know those little boxes you find in published scenarios that are filled with description text or narration for the Game Master to read to the players? DON’T READ IT!

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Dead of Night: A One-Round GURPS Call of Cthulhu Scenario

Dead of Night
GM’s Background

This adventure can take place in any town of the GM’s choosing. It can be set in most time periods.

A colony of ghouls is operating out of a local graveyard on the property of Saint Joseph’s Catholic church. They have no particular animosity toward the townspeople, but this will change if they are provoked. They are a literate group and are primarily interested in access to the local public and university libraries. They also enjoy many of the same items as humans.

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