live at H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival

We are live at the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival in Portland Oregon.  We will be live streaming seminars all weekend starting around 5:15PST.


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Terrible Truth

I knew the risks, some of them at least. I understood that the molds and fungi in the deep and secret chamber exuded a foul and toxic essence. I knew the understanding of these truths could make one mad, or worse.

Still, my hunger for knowledge, and I admit to a thirst for power, drove me forward. I put match to wick and adjusted the lantern.

Gently, and with trepidation, I opened the cover of the ancient and crumbling tome: a tingling sensation slipped into my thumb and coursed through my body. I began to read. These truths should have seemed fancy, but were undeniable as they burned into my mind and spirit.

My back arched, straining as if my spine might snap. I felt an enormous consciousness force itself into mine. I could form no words of my own, but issuing from my tortured mouth was a torrent of grating and sibilant consonants. “Gk sthqb pdgkkz sstsk!”

It was then I knew the terrible truth. I had lost all control of my vowels.

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Review of Ashes by Philip Hemplow

Scary house on a hill with storm clouds behind and a scary path in front.

Ashes by Philip Hemplow

Great fiction makes readers feel what their characters are going through. When an author can reach into a reader’s heart and pull at the same strings that his or her characters are going through, an author has done their job and done it well.

Philip Hemplow does just that with Ashes.

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Awesome prize support!

Awesome prize support!

Come to GenCon and play with us. Awesome prizes await you!! Our schedule is below the break!!



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Dead of Night: A One-Round GURPS Call of Cthulhu Scenario

Dead of Night
GM’s Background

This adventure can take place in any town of the GM’s choosing. It can be set in most time periods.

A colony of ghouls is operating out of a local graveyard on the property of Saint Joseph’s Catholic church. They have no particular animosity toward the townspeople, but this will change if they are provoked. They are a literate group and are primarily interested in access to the local public and university libraries. They also enjoy many of the same items as humans.

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A Curiosity: A One-Round Gaslight Adventure For Call Of Cthulhu 6th ed.

A Curiosity
March 10th 1870

Keeper’s Background

Three years ago Alfred Philbrick, who has been somewhat shunned by his upper class peers for his occult activities, purchased a house built over Wookey Hole Cave, a location long believed to be a locus of supernatural activity. He has invited the Investigators (three of whom are his peers and share his interest in the occult, the other three being servants of Philbrick’s friends) to a dinner party where he promises to show them “a curiosity.”

“Curiosities” were spectacles displayed and enjoyed by the upper crust of Victorian England and generally had occult overtones, as things occult and mystical were very much in vogue at the time.

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Trail of the Mummy: An Introductory Adventure For Trail Of Cthulhu

Trail of the Mummy
Wednesday, 28 March, 1934

Player’s Information

The traveling exhibit of a mummy arrived in Chicago for a two week showing, beginning Tuesday the 13th of March until Tuesday the 27th of March, 1934. This was the body of Akh (Axe), a lesser known priestess of Isis.

At 5:00 am on Wednesday the 28th, head curator Miles Jennings arrived at work to supervise the dismantling and shipping of the exhibit. He was shocked to find the bloody remains of Klaus Huntsman: the night watchman and custodian. He also discovered that the mummy had been stolen. Mr. Jennings has asked the Investigators to look into the matter, hoping to delay the attention of both police and press for fear of scandal.

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Heroes of Red Hook Kickstarter!

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Coming Soon: More Heroes of Redhook News!

The genius’s at GoldenGoblin Press have released the preview video for Heroes of Redhook Video!!

Myself, I’m anxiously awaiting this kickstarter’s launch and in the venerable words of one Philip J. Fry, I must demand; “SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!”

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Coming Soon! Heroes of RedHook by Golden Goblin Press!

The cover for Golden Goblin Press's Heroes of Red Hook

The cover for Golden Goblin Press’s Heroes of Red Hook

The fine folks over at Golden Goblin Press tipped us off that their newest kickstarter project is almost ready.  We couldn’t be more excited about their newest fiction offering.  While you know that we’re going to post the link as soon as it is up, go ahead and get your mouth watering over what we can release to you so far (story details after the fold)

Heroes of Red Hook, the fifth Kickstarter from Golden Goblin Press, is a compilation of short cosmic horror stories set in the 20’s and 30’s. It is our 3rd fiction collection, following Tales of Cthulhu Invictus and Dread Shadows in Paradise. Heroes of Red Hook will be a 100,000 word collection, twice the size of our previous collections. What makes this project unique in that it features protagonists who are immigrant, minorities, independent women, non-Christian, and members of the LGBT. Our heroes and heroines struggle to overcome not only the dark horrors beyond mankind’s understanding, but a society seeking to deny them basic human rights.
Kickstarter launches on June 20th, and ends on July 25th.

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