52! Part 3

52! Part Three

As the seconds and minutes and hours and days pass, zip-zip-zip-zip-zip of the tabled riffle shuffle keeps time better than any clock Hank ever saw in his life. And that was good, because there is no day or night here, no sleep or waking or chowtime or … anything, really. No sky, no earth, no sun, so moon, no stars. Just the chair that didn’t hurt his ass or feel particularly comfortable; the table of smooth and shiny wood, like something out of a fancy parlor; other than there’s just whiteness, just nothing blankness without horizon or shadow or any feature at all. 

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You may see a tree where there wasn’t one before, indistinguishable from any of the other conifers in this forest. Except maybe a bit too symmetrical, a bit too full and round. If you look away for a moment, maybe that tree will be gone. If you’re lucky. If you’re not, you’ll see two glowing red orbs opening near the top of this “tree”. And you feel compelled to approach. You want to resist but your feet refuse to listen. Too late, you see the needles of the tree are stiff fur as the arms you mistook for tree limbs unfurl. Then the mouth filled with crooked, flat teeth opens…

You may see a tree where there wasn’t one before, indistinguishable from any of the other conifers in this forest. Except maybe a bit too symmetrical, a bit too full and round. If you look away for a moment, maybe that tree will be gone. If you’re lucky. If you’re not, you’ll see two glowing red orbs opening near the top of this “tree”. And you feel compelled to approach. You want to resist but your feet refuse to listen. Too late, you see the needles of the tree are stiff fur as the arms you mistook for tree limbs unfurl. Then the mouth filled with crooked, flat teeth opens…

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52! Part 2!

white-clad apparition laughs as he torments a smaller Caucasian man on the floor.


“Ah, I see the issue now. I neglected to fill in the details.” Pip motions for Hank to hang on to the eerie deck rather than hand them back. “What I ask you to do is to shuffle these special cards, again and again, until you have exhausted all possible arrangements. For example, one arrangement would be new-deck order, such as how they lie right now.”

“Wrong, dummy. You just saw me shuffle … um, twice …“ Hank says, but loses the thread as he spreads the cards in his hands and sees that his shuffles either never happened or he accidentally shuffled them right back into twos through aces for each suit. “Heh, would you look at that.”

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The bugs in my brain
Alien thoughts compel me
Bugs, so many bugs

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The immense white thing threw itself upon the ice. Flippers shifted, melted, reformed into arms and hands. The tentacles that propelled it in the water became legs and feet as the thing stood. It’s skin boiled, rippled and grew brighter as it strode toward us.

The immense white thing threw itself upon the ice. Flippers shifted, melted, reformed into arms and hands. The tentacles that propelled it in the water became legs and feet as the thing stood. It’s skin boiled, rippled and grew brighter as it strode toward us. 

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"Angel of Death" character talking with card sharp in old west jail cell, the angel standing while card sharp is lying or sitting on the bunk. The Card sharp character is dusty old west reprobate.


Deadwood Jail, South Dakota, 1877. 

A man lies upon the wooden bench that serves as a bed, running his fingers over a face he keeps shaven even after two weeks in stir. This is the card sharp “Hard Hank“ Hart—“Triple H” to his friends.

Or would be, that is, if Hank still had any. Most of the men he once called friends had preceded him to gallows just like the one being assembled rather loudly on the other side of the cell’s barred window; and the rest, to a man, had ended up shot dead for cheating … or sure looking like they were, anyhow.

Hank would know, too, since he’s the one who pulled the trigger.

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Review: Control

Control has been one of the best games I have played in some time, the combat, the atmosphere and the ambiance has really shown how well concept can be polished to make a game that makes you say “one more mission, one more checkpoint”. It is a game that leaves you wanting more and still wondering what will be around the next corner. 

From the start you are thrust into an uncanny office setting that feels aggressively corporate and then you discover the catalyst for the madness to come, the current head of the Federal Bureau of Control has been murdered and in a simplified job application process you pick up his mantle, are found worthy and have to deal with the incursion besetting the Old House, the Hiss. 

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More 2022 madness!

Why not take this opportunity to warn you about… Fiction Fridays!! Every friday new fiction will be posted here on Shoggoth.net. This year is looking up! As always feel free to submit any Cthulhu Mythos creations to [email protected]

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2022 Plans and pardon our dust!

With the start of the new year, we’re going to try to do our damnedest to get more content out for you! As such, we’re starting Monstrous Mondays and Fiction Fridays. Admittedly Monstrous Mondays has gotten off to a rough start with the creature dropping on Tuesday and not getting art until Wednesday, but I believe The Hallowed makes a great first impression for the rest of the year! As always, feel free to send us your creatures, your fiction, your scenarios, your reviews and all your creative endeavors to [email protected]!

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The Hollowed

The Hollowed

To see them is to see the embodiment of emptiness. When they stand, they are taller than any person but are as comfortable on all fours as they are upright. Emaciated and lanky, bones protrude beneath thin flesh the color of filthy snow. A slight breeze will ripple the skin. Thin arms terminate in rough taloned hands well below the knees. Vacant, bottomless eye sockets dominate their face, along with a round pit where a mouth should be. They emit a constant soft, rasping howl, the sound of a quiet wind, the only warning they are near. 


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