Loyal denizens of Shoggoth.net; we have got an exclusive look at Golden Goblin Press‘s new Kickstarter; Tales of the Caribbean. It will be amazing. Golden Goblin Press continues to set the standard for an impressive game. The artwork is impressive and the scenarios are superb. The subtle elegance of “the Golden Goblin” look is unmistakable.
It is set to launch on September 9th with a unholy HOST of add-ons and stretch goals a plenty. As per Golden Goblin standard there are calls back to the original materials, in this case the long out of print “Tales of the Sleepless City” from Miskatonic River Press. Also keeping in Golden Goblin tradition, they’re going all out again promoting this kickstarter. On top of Oscar’s teases at NecronomiCon, he’s also contributing a Caribbean Adventure to our OctoberNomicon. Let us not forget that Oscar is our first scheduled Celebrity GM, so we will be chocked full of all sorts of Golden Goblin Goodness for the next few months.
Keep your eyes peeled here and at all the usual suspects for more and more from the fine folks at Golden Goblin Press.
I’m trollboy. Howdy.