
GURUVILU. Monstrous animal of some lakes in the kingdom. The Mapuche say it swallows men. They do not agree upon its shape. Some make it long like a serpent; others nearly circular like an extended cow hide. – Father Felipe Gomez de Viduarre, Historia geografica, natural y civil del Reino de Chil

Alternative names: El Cuero, Hueke Hueke, The Leather, Mata-Mata, Gla’akini.

A flat, slug-like creature surging out of water and rising up to engulf a screaming woman. The top of the creature is patterned like a cow. The narrow rim of the creature is lined with small, sharp, curved teeth. On the top of the creature, near the front or "head" are multiple stalks tipped with a single eye on each one. The back of the creature features dozens of soft, spike-like appendages.

The Revelations of Gla’aki tell us the guruvilu are a failed attempt by Gla’aki to resurrect the dead inhabitants of the crystal city that fell with him to Earth. The Great Old One touched the dreams of cultists that worshipped him from the shores of lakes and rivers in the Andes. Through their dreams, he reshaped the bodies of his cultists to resemble that of his dead kin. But even the perfect recreation of his servants was beyond the power of the god. The resulting creation were little more than mere animals. Disdainful of his creation, Gla’aki abandoned them. 

The guruvilu survive still in the waterways of western South America. They resemble sea-slugs, albeit giant and dull in color. All sport rows of soft appendages along their back, covered in venomous microscopic stinging cnidocytes. Some have grown pairs of these spines on their “heads”. They surge forth from the water to catch prey on the shore, including humans. Cults in the Andes revere them, mistaken in the belief the guruvilu are messengers and servants of Gla’aaki. 

In recent years, they have begun spreading through South America and are making their way north. 

Spines: the back of guruvilu sport rows of soft appendages that resemble spines.  Each spine is covered in microscopic stinging cnidocytes. Anyone making a melee attack against a gurvilu must make a successful Luck roll or be stung and injected with venom. The victim is racked with burning pain throughout the affected area, taking 2D4 Hit Points of damage for 1D4 rounds. A victim may attempt a Hard CON roll each round; on a successful roll, damage is reduced by half. Most clothing does not offer protection from the stings. 

Guruvilu, reshaped through dreams 

STR5D6 x 590
CON3D6 x 570
SIZ(4D6+12) x 5130
DEX3D6 x 550
INT2D6 x 535
POW3D6 x 550

Average Hit Points: 20

Average Damage Bonus: +2D6

Average Build: 3

Average Magic Points: 10

Move: 6/8 swimming


Attacks per round: 1 (envelop) or 1 (venom throw)

A guruvilu fight by enveloping a victim to digest or by throwing its cnidocytes at threats. Guruvilu prefer to ambush lone victims and will retreat if faced with strong opposition. 

Envelop (mnvr): On a successful attack, the guruvilu wraps itself around a victim and holds them. The victim takes immediate damage from the teeth of the monster, then will takes 2D4 Hit Points in damage from its digestive secretions each round thereafter. A victim may escape with a successful Extreme STR roll. The guruvilu will not release the victim no matter how much damage it may take. Instead, it will attempt to flee into deep water with its catch. 

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