Those Ne’er do wells at Rogue Cthulhu are at it again; this time bringing madness & horror to Pulp Fest 2015 in Columbus, Ohio! Their schedule is after the fold:
Thursday, August 13 to Sunday, August 16
Friday, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Table 1: The End of the Stair
The year is 1938. Heinrich Himmler has formed the Ahnenerbe, a group of Nazi archaeologists and cultural historians to find the origins of the Aryan race. A group of scientists form an expedition to the top of the world, Tibet. Will they find the Truth of their origin? Can they defeat their inner fears and the protectors of ancient history to discover their destiny? Will the Third Reich fail in it’s quest. Max: 6 Players GM: Byron Wingate
Table 2: Sleeping Beauty
Gaslight: An unconscious hospitalized woman becomes pregnant. Family and staff search for answers in an adventure inspired by the classic fairy tale.
A mythos version of the original fairy tale of Sleeping Beauty. When the staff learns that a woman who has been unconscious for months is expecting a child, they must deal with the family’s wrath while trying to learn the truth. Players will take on a role as a staff member or the patient’s family in this role-playing intensive adventure that guarantees inter-party turmoil. Max: 6 Players GM: Misty Long
Friday, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Table1: Serpent Men of Stygia
The evil serpent forces of Thoth-Amon are preparing to unleash unworldly evil upon the land! Can Conan and his band of Mercenary heroes stop them? Max players 6 using Chaosium Dark Ages rules.
Max: 6 Players GM: Matt McCloud
Table 2: A Night to Remember
You are on a luxury ship heading to the Americas. The voyage has been amazing so far. The activities for the evening have ended, and its time to settle down for the night. Unfortunately, fate seems to have other plans. The chaos involved could mean disaster for the world, if you can’t find a way to stop it.
Max: 6 Players GM: Misty Long
Saturday, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Table 1: 100 Aker Wood
A group of life friends become distraught after one of them doesn’t show up to a family party. They investigate and discover a grisly trail of chaos and insanity. They try to seek some kind of explanation to this chaos, only to find it has taken root in their home. Can they band together and make a har choice? Could one of their own responsible? Max: 8 players GM: Byron Wingate
Table 2: A Night to Remember
You are on a luxury ship heading to the Americas. The voyage has been amazing so far. The activities for the evening have ended, and its time to settle down for the night. Unfortunately, fate seems to have other plans. The chaos involved could mean disaster for the world, if you can’t find a way to stop it. Max: 6 Players GM: Misty Long
Saturday, 6 p.m. to 10 p.m
Table1: Where No Man has Gone Before
StarvTrek vs. The Cthulhu mythos! He’s dead, Jim! And so are we!
Full description: In the 23rd century, members of a Federation scout vessel travel to a deep space monitoring station to determine why the station has gone silent for over a week. Phasers and tricorders at the ready, the team must uncover the mystery of outpost 18–and the grim prospect that awaits them. Max: 6 Players GM: Matt McCloud
Table 2: Fetch the Devil
The summer of 1939 was sweltering hot in Texas. Detectives Joe Dauntless and Andy Kind search for the truth in the death of a missing wife and daughter of a wealthy businessman in the desert of West Texas. What they find will question the security of the United States and their very lives. Come along in this journey of grisly discovery and bone chilling horror. Max: 6 Players GM: Byron Wingate