Archive for X-News

The Book

My memories are very confused. There is even much doubt as to where they begin; for at times I feel appalling vistas of years stretching behind me, while at other times it seems as if the present moment were an isolated point in a grey, formless infinity. I am not even certain how I am communicating this message. While I know I am speaking, I have a vague impression that some strange and perhaps terrible mediation will be needed to bear what I say to the points where I wish to be heard. My identity, too, is bewilderingly cloudy. I seem to have suffered a great shock – perhaps from some utterly monstrous outgrowth of my cycles of unique, incredible experience. Continue reading »

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Beyond the Wall of Sleep

I have often wondered if the majority of mankind ever pause to reflect upon the occasionally titanic significance of dreams, and of the obscure world to which they belong. Whilst the greater number of our nocturnal visions are perhaps no more than faint and fantastic reflections of our waking experiences – Freud to the contrary with his puerile symbolism – there are still a certain remainder whose immundane and ethereal character permit of no ordinary interpretation, and whose vaguely exciting and disquieting effect suggests possible minute glimpses into a sphere of mental existence no less important than physical life, yet separated from that life by an all but impassable barrier. From my experience I cannot doubt but that man, when lost to terrestrial consciousness, is indeed sojourning in another and uncorporeal life of far different nature from the life we know, and of which only the slightest and most indistinct memories linger after waking. From those blurred and fragmentary memories we may infer much, yet prove little. We may guess that in dreams life, matter, and vitality, as the earth knows such things, are not necessarily constant; and that time and space do not exist as our waking selves comprehend them. Sometimes I believe that this less material life is our truer life, and that our vain presence on the terraqueous globe is itself the secondary or merely
virtual phenomenon.
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Half Barney and Half Human Half Shoggoth

After the S&D of 01/16/01 Dr. Bustoffson’s remains were brought back to HQ. There was a lot of discussion about if and how he should be revived, and it was decided that the Essential Salts Ritual (with a few improvements) was the best bet.

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Tynes and Cook talk about d20 Call of Cthulhu

Nearly a year ago, Wizards of the Coast announced its plans to publish a d20 version of Call of Cthulhu, the cult classic game of eldritch horror put out by Chaosium, with game designers John Tynes and Monte Cook behind the wheel. With the release of the game scheduled for early next year, decided to hit the designers up for an interview. Continue reading »

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Stephen King interviewed on Salon

Stephen King, author extraordinaire, interviewed with on 09-98 regarding his book, Bag of Bones, which was pointed out to me recently.  Of course in the interview, the old gent came up.  He, in all of his trailer park eloquence, described Lovecraft’s work as something best read by 13 to 15 year olds and is basically composed of gigantic disembodied vaginas.   Albeit very true that whilst in that age, I was very much interested in vaginas, I hardly found Lovecraft a source for blatant pornography.  NOW KING on the other hand, was always good for a pointless 300 pages describing in detail a character with some overly perverse obsession with some bizarre fetish that has really nothing to do with the story besides of course, securing the MA rating on his books. Continue reading »

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I just received this in my inbox. I will speak for her from experience that she does some
GREAT mythos work as well as the listed.  That said;

 greetings folks,just want to take a short moment of

your time to post this reguarding the NY/pentagon
disaster.being this is a very tragic incident.i have
decided to contribute to the red cross by doing a
charity custom commission auction.this is an anything
goes for art auction.from fantasy,to horror,to
anime,whatever you would like,i will draw it!(except
pornographic and copyrighted material) please if you
can pass this on:


~ Nikki Morris

Posted in Gaming, HelpWanted, Humor, Interviews, News, Past,, X-News | Leave a comment start page changed.

In a show of mourning for the victims and families of the recent terrorist attacks against the US, The Shoggoth Network has replaced thier main page with one of mourning. In it you will find an article originally posted in 1973 by Canadian radio broadcaster Gordon Sinclair. You can read the full story on it HERE. In the meantime, we extend our condolences and best wishes to everyone.

Thank you,
Matt ‘TrollBoy’ Wiseman
Webmaster; The Shoggoth Network

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