and will be going down tonight due to irregularities on our main web server. The Database powering this site will be backed up immediatly after this post and will be the data used to restore in case of database corruption. If you are posting a story, news item, gaming module etc, please mail it to [email protected] so that we can ensure that your submission is not lost.Also, the planned upgrades, redesign and added features are coming along, slowly and steadily. If you are a PHP programmer and are familiar with PHPLib feel free to drop me an e-mail.
In the mean time, feel free to post articles and discuss articles that you see here. Everyone, especially you, is welcome to post thier thoughts and work onto, we are the first and only, to the best of my knowledge, free weblog system online DEDICATED to the Cthulhu Mythos.
Thank you for your time,
Matt “TrollBoy” Wiseman
from alt.horror.cthulhu fame
We pulled through with out a snitch. I tell you what try MetaLINK they sorta wrawk.