Howdy Denizens, Trollboy here. October is going to be an absolutely insane time for us. Well.. more so than usual.
- We’ve got the OctoberNomicon in full swing. So you’ll be getting new monsters every day, hopefully new art as well (subtle hint, these are contests that pay fairly well, the contest runs until November 1st, then voting begins)
- Augustus Cantus is running to bring us diabolical mythos cults in the heart of ancient Rome with that wrapping up on the 15th (ALSO a pretty nice contest with awesome prizes </subtlehint>)
- A *bunch* of us will be at HP Lovecraft Film Fest: Portland. Find the largest person wearing a shirt and that’s me, failing that.. ask someone wearing a where Trollboy is and they can probably tell you. Expect a LOT of coverage from the show.
- Ia Ia
That’s all from me at this point, I’ll let some of the others tell us more.