Tag archives for placement

Advertise on Shoggoth.net!


A lot of the people that we run into, either in person, or through the blog, are creators in some way or another. That, combined with the niche that our blog studiously rests within, led us to adopt a new idea:
We’re going to offer up an advertisement program.
If you’ve noticed in the sidebars, we have examples of some of the advertisement options that we’re offering. Anyone that’s a creator, or has a product that’s Mythos or Weird Horror specific (You know…fits our website), is more than welcome to request a quote for a banner ad, Social Media ads, or a blog post advertising your creation.
Then you’ll be adding the visibility of every Shoggoth.net subscriber to your product’s potential.
That’s kinda awesome!
Interested? Email [email protected] and request a quote. We’ll send you an email with your options and pricing.
Disclaimer: We have the right to refuse any ad placements that we deem don’t fit the concept of our site or might in some other way be just too offensive or weird. We’re pretty open-minded people, but even we have limits.

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