The Unnoticed

Whether these solitary creatures degenerated into being from humanity or simple took on human shape in order to hunt us is unknown. What is known is that they freely move about society, emerging from their hiding places at night to feed upon the unsuspecting. They appear barely human, typically having lost yellowing skin over corpulent frame, overlong arms and short legs, filthy claws and sharp teeth on elongated jaws. They always seem dirty, with greasy hair and filthy clothes. Their disguise is mainly on their powerful psychic abilities to cloud the minds of any around them.

When a human encountered one of the unnoticed they must make a POW check. Unless they roll a hard success the Unnoticed just barely registers on their consciousness. They might answer its questions, hold open the door for it, or ring up their order at the drive through, but they’ll have no real memory of the encounter or notice anything is amiss. This ability is constantly being emitted by The Unnoticed.

 However, those making a Hard POW check do notice these creatures, seeing them for what they are, while all others around them seemingly take no notice of the strange, horrifying, vaguely human creature moving about them. Unfortunately, this clarity only lasts while the Unnoticed remains within view, and if the creature breaks line of sight a new POW check must be made. When noticed these creatures either try to immediately kill the person whose seen them or break line of sight with them to hopefully restore their psychic camouflage. 

If someone points out this creature to another, they can make another POW check to notice it, but this time with a bonus dice. Otherwise they not only fail to notice it, but retain no memory of even having the creature pointed out. So powerful is this effect that this creature could kill and devour someone in the same room as a group of people and its actions, along with the screams of their victim, go completely unnoticed.

These creatures hunt at the fringes of our society, stalking alleyways, roadside filling stations or rest stops, cheap boarding houses or depressed neighborhoods. They’ll lair in abandoned houses, sewers, caves, even the trunks of abandoned cars during the day. Direct sunlight causes their skin to burn, inflicting 1 HP per round of damage to them. They attack with filthy claws and sharp jaws, and can easily devour a complete human corpse, clothing and all, within ten minutes. 

The Unnoticed, psychic predators 

 Char. Averages rolls

STR   100 (4D6+12) x 5

CON  80 (3D6+6) x 5

SIZ   75 (1D6+12) x 5 

DEX   45 (2D6+2) x 5 

INT   50 (3D6) x 5

POW 65 (2D6+6) x 5 

HP 18

Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6

Average Build: +2

Average Magic Points: 13

Move 8 


Attacks per round: 3

Fighting attacks: Unnoticed attack using their powerful claws and jaws.

Fighting 65% (32/13), Claws 1D6+db

Fighting 65% (32/13), Bite 1D8+db

Dodge: 40% (20/8)

Armor: 1 point of blubbery, leathery hide

Spells: none

Skills: Listen 50%, Spot Hidden 50%, Track (by scent) 65%

Sanity Loss: 1/1D8 for Sanity points to see an Unnoticed

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