Deer Woman

This creature, native to the central planes and eastern forests of North America, enacts vengeful upon those who have harmed innocent women and children. The Deer Woman also target womanizers, unfaithful lovers and husbands, appearing as temptress. They’ll try to lure them away to secluded places using their powerful otherworldly charm. Such men are often never seen again. Deer Women seem to always be able find such men within a 20-mile radius, using their very keen sense of smell. There are rumors of spells and rituals that attract such a creature, and direct it towards a particularly heinous offender. 

Deer Woman can appear as beautiful women Native American women with the legs and hooves of a deer. In this form a Deer woman is quite charming and graceful, with most being quite gifted dancers. They’ll usually hide their legs in long skirts or sometimes tall doeskin boots. However, they can also take the form of either a white-tailed or black-tailed deer. They can instantaneously transform leaving their clothing and whatever they were carrying behind when they do so. Deer Women use this form to escape when confronted by those who haven’t succumbed to their enchantment.  

A Deer Woman can charm any man who fails a POW contest roll against her. Men who have harmed women or children must make this roll with 2 penalty dice. Men who act promiscuously or who’ve committed acts of infidelity must make this roll with 1 penalty dice. This charm lasts 2D4 hours, during which time the victim is powerless to resist the Deer Woman. Those who resist the Deer Woman’s charm are immune to its effects for the next 1D4 hours.

Deer Women sometimes lead their victims deep into the wilderness, where they emerge from their enchantment hopelessly lost. These men are most often naked and without any weapons or equipment, and no memory of how they got there. These are the lucky ones. A Deer Woman will often mate with her victims, a brutal and savage affair, costing them 1D6 HP and 2D12 Sanity points. Particularly heinous victims, such as those who have killed their lovers or a child, are usually found trampled to death, their bones broken and bodies mangled by the deer woman’s powerful legs and hooves. 

Those who resist the deer woman’s charms may be able to take action against her. However, they must act fast, because as soon as the Deer Woman realizes her target has not fallen under her control she’ll feel. She’ll try to escape by transform into a deer, rushing away at great speed, making powerful leaps and bounds. Her deer form also has natural camouflage, allowing her to easily melt away into the wilderness. If forced to defend herself a Deer Woman attacks using powerful kicks or stomps with her hard, sharp hooves and strong legs. Such blows can be quite deadly, as they can easily shatter bones and cave in a person’s skull. 

Deer Woman, homo-anthropophagos

Char. Averages rolls
STR 100 (4D6+6 x 5)
CON 90 (4D6+4 x 5)
SIZ 65 (2D6+6 x 5)
DEX 80 (3D6+6 x 5)
INT 50 (3D6+6 x 5)
POW 90 (4D6+4 x 5)
HP 16
Av. Damage Bonus: +1D6
Average Build: +2
Average Magic Points: 18
Move 9 / 12 (in Deer Form)

Attacks per round: 1
Fighting attacks: A single powerful kick.
Fighting 70% (35/14), damage 1D6+DB
Dodge: 60% (30/12)
Armor: 1-point of thick hide, takes half damage from non-magical weapons.
Skills: Appear Human 100%, Art: Dance 75%, Charm 80%, Detect Evil Men 70%, Jump 85%, Listen 65%, Sleight of Hand 70%, Stealth 75%, Sanity Loss: none if seemingly human, 1/1D6 for Sanity points to see a Deer Woman’s legs or witness them transform into a deer.

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