Cthulhu Attacks! comes out next month … O, the MADNESS!

Lovely Shoggothians, I hope you’ll allow me a little bit of self-promotion. My long-in-the-works first volume of the Cthulhu Attacks! trilogy is out in August from Severed Press, and I’m excited. As you should be, too—just read the jacket copy after the jump and get ready for bad, bad things to happen to humanity.

It’s funny how you work so long on a book, and when it finally is being made a real book by your publisher, time starts zipping by! My lieges at Severed Press are hard at work getting the first book of the Cthulhu Attacks! Trilogy (The Fear) shipshape and ready to sail.

To whet your appetites, I include below the jacket copy for Book One.

If you’re one of my delightful Patreon supporters, you will get this book before anyone else. (And if you’re not one, think about it, wouldya?) But it will be available to all by the end of August—watch this space for announcements a-plenty!

For now, behold!

For half a billion years, Cthulhu has lain trapped in R’lyeh, dead but dreaming. But now the stars are right, and the Old One is rising. Instant death for hundreds of millions, insanity for many more. And he hasn’t even gotten out of the water. In Cthulhu Attacks! Book One: The Fear, for the first time the Return of the Tentacled God is shown as it could really unfold, with world governments and a desperate and frightened populace scrambling to understand, survive, and ultimately fight back against an enemy so powerful He could kill every human on Earth without even noticing we are here. The Cthulhu Attacks! Trilogy—with Book Two: The Faith and Book Three: The Fight to follow The Fear—gives a groundbreaking treatment to H.P. Lovecraft’s most enduring creation: What would really happen if Cthulhu rose? Why and how was He confined “until the stars were right”? And what could humans—from the President of the United States to a self-absorbed, alcoholic, professional “skeptic” to an escaped mental patient—do when faced with the most powerful Being in four dimensions? Sean Hoade brings edge-of-your-seat suspense to the story readers have waited for since “The Call of Cthulhu”—what happens when Cthulhu Attacks!

Next up: A first chapter preview!

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