Jedi of a Lesser God: The Other Star Wars/Cthulhu Crossover

So, as promised, this is the flip side of my Star Wars crossover. This is bringing in a bit of the Star Wars universe into Call of Cthulhu. In order to curb a tendency of mine to use the d20 Cthulhu rules as much as possible, I’ll try to propose options for both d20 and BRP systems.When it comes right down to it, Jedi are just really cool psychics with an ethos. Based off of comments in the movies, as well as observed phenomena, most of what they do involves telekinesis, precognition, clairsentience, and good old-fashioned telepathy. That’s it. In fact, if you look at the psychic feats in d20 Cthulhu, they all bear a certain creepy similarity to Force abilities in d20 Star Wars. Right down to the basic mechanics.

So, in the every day Mythos setting, Jedi would simply be a group of psychic martial artists who protect the innocent and fight evil creatures (i.e.: The Mythos). So, without further ado, I present:

The Hu Guang Shi Zhe*

Believed to have originally been a splinter group of the Shaolin, the Hu Guang Shi Zhe, or Guardians of the Light, is a group that has propagated wherever those who fight against the Mythos may reside. The core of their philosophy is passed along in a tome called Guang Zhi Tu, or The Way of the Light. It is a teaching on Buddhist philosophy with extensive information tying it in to the Mythos, and the need to oppose it.

The group is primarily a secret society. It’s members bound to strict vows of secrecy, with dire consequences against those who betray them. The war against the Mythos is deadly serious, and betrayal cannot be afforded.

They possess two distinctive features that separate them from your average cultist: their rigorous martial arts regimen, and their carefully honed psychic ability.

Many of those involved are raised in the tradition, their talents recognized at an early age, and are soon “adopted” and indoctrinated into the order. Though, on occasion, an adult is recruited and trained. The Shi Zhe often possess “day jobs”, in such things as martial arts schools, Buddhist temples, or sometimes even convenience stores. Makes you think twice about holding up the local Kwiki-Mart.

Using the Shi Zhe in a Campaign

Three’s a Crowd
While investigating the Mythos, they keep running into and tripping over (figuratively) strange, silent people who don’t seem to like their meddling. They are distinctly unhelpful in the information they provide, and may even try to take the investigators out if they feel they are hindering their mission.

All For One, One for All
It could be that some or all of the players are members of the Order. If it’s only some of the players, you can add the bonus twist of having one person having to be hide information from the rest of the group while still pursuing agendas laid out for him by his superiors in the order.

Mechanics: d20

Profession Template: Guardian of Light
Core Skills: Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Hide, Knowledge (religion), Knowledge (occult), Jump, Move Silently + three more of the player’s choice

Required Starting Feats: Sensitive, Martial Artist

Modifier to Income: -2

New Tome
The Way of Light
Various translations, original author unknown, c. A.D. 900. Original form is unknown, but numerous copies existed in secret throughout medieval China. Examination Period: 2d10 weeks (DC 25). Contains 2d6 spells. Sanity Loss: 1d8 initial and 2d8 upon completion. Cthulhu Mythos: +1 ranks.

New Feats
This may seem like a lot of feats to have, considering that no investigator will ever have more than 8 feats when going by the rules. Part of this can be justified by my promise to eventually write an article on “Epic Cthulhu”. Be afraid.

Bullet Time
You are able to accelerate your metabolic processes to allow you to react quicker.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Sensitive, Biofeedback Trance

Benefit: You act as though under the influence of a haste spell. (See d20 Core Rulebook I). Requires a Psychic Focus check with a DC of 15 to activate.

Cost: 1d3 Sanity points and 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage for each successful use; 1 Sanity point for each failed attempt. It costs an additional point of Sanity and Wisdom for each additional minute after the first.


You can see and hear things far away.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Sensitive

Benefit: You can perceive locations that are not nearby. For DCs and modifiers, use those listed for Mind Reading and Telepathy.

Action: This power requires a full-round action to use.

Cost: 1d3 Sanity points and 1 point of temporary Wisdom damage for each successful use; 1 Sanity point for each failed attempt. It costs an additional point of Sanity and Wisdom for each additional minute after the first to maintain viewing.

Deflect Projectiles
You can deflect incoming projectiles, including bullets.

Prerequisites: Dex 13+, Cha 15+, Martial Arts, Sensitive, Precognition, Biofeedback Trance

Benefit: As the Deflect Arrows feat from the Core Rules, but allows deflection of certain exceptional projectiles, namely bullets.

Action: This power can be activated as a reaction.

Cost: None.

Improved Psychokinesis
You can manipulate larger objects than before.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Sensitive, Psychokinesis

Benefit: You can move a larger amount of weight using psychokinesis. The weight adds a modifier to your DC. It also increases the Sanity and Wisdom cost.

Action: This requires a full round action to activate.

Cost: As psychokinesis, with additional costs determined by the chart below.

Weight Modifier to DC Additional Wisdom and Sanity Cost
Up to 5 +0 +1
6 to 50 +5 +2
51 to 500 +10 +3
501 to 5000 +15 +4

Moving Meditation
You are able to enter a state of awareness of your surroundings, gaining a limited precognitive sense of what is around you, what the immediate consequences of your actions may be, and how to react.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Sensitive, Precognition, 8 ranks in Concentration

Benefit: While this power is active, you gain a +1 insight bonus into all attacks, skill rolls, and saving throws. Requires a Psychic Focus check (DC 20) to activate.

Action: This power requires a full-round action to use.

Cost: 1d4 Sanity points and 1 point of temporary Wisdom to activate. 1 point of Sanity for a failed activation attempt. 1 point each of Sanity and Wisdom per minute to maintain the ability past the first minute.

You are able to dimly perceive possible futures.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Sensitive, 5 ranks in Concentration

Benefit: While in a meditative state for at least 10 minutes, you can dimly perceive images associated with your future. These images depend heavily upon current circumstances at the time of the viewing. Should the circumstances significantly change, the viewing is invalidated.

Action: This power requires a full-round action to use.

Cost: 1d4 Sanity points and 1 point of temporary Wisdom to activate.

Psychokinetic Leap
You are able to boost your jumping ability with psychokinesis.

Prerequisite: Cha 15+, Sensitive, Psychokinesis, Improved Psychokinesis

Benefit: While this ability is active, you my add a +10 psychic bonus to all Jump skill checks, and are able to ignore limits for distance.

Action: This requires a full round action to activate.

Cost: 1d4 Sanity points and 1 point of temporary Wisdom to activate. 1 point of Sanity for a failed activation attempt. 1 point each of Sanity and Wisdom per minute to maintain the ability past the first minute.

Mechanics: BRP

The new psychic powers listed here are based after the system described in Delta Green: Countdown.

Occupation Template: Guardian of Light
Fast Talk, Hide, Jump, Martial Arts, Occult, Sneak + two more of the player’s choice

New Tome

The Way of Light

Various translations, original author unknown, c. A.D. 900. Original form is unknown, but numerous copies existed in secret throughout medieval China. Examination Period: 2d10 weeks (DC 25). Sanity Loss: 1d8/2d8; Cthulhu Mythos: +8 percentiles; Spell Multiplier: x4.

New Psychic Skills

Moving Meditation (POWx1/2): You are able to enter a state of awareness of your surroundings, gaining a limited precognitive sense of what is around you, what the immediate consequences of your actions may be, and how to react. The power costs three magic points to activate, and one point per round of use afterward. While this power is in effect, you gain a +5% bonus to all skill checks.

Psychic Point Cost: 50

Projectile Deflection (POWx1/4): A successful use of this skill, plus three magic points, allows you to attempt to deflect a bullet, arrow, crossbow bolt, or similar projectile shot at you.

Telekinetic Leap (POWx1/2): You are able to boost your jumping ability with telekinesis. Each magic point spent using this power adds 5% to your Jump skill and one foot to your total jumping distance.

Psychic Point Cost: 35

*Disclaimer on the Translations: I don’t speak Chinese. The translations provided were obtained by Trollboy, with the help of contacts in China. I make no claims regarding the accuracy of these translations, so do not come to me when you get your ass-kicked by some Chinese guy because you were trying to show off your linguistic ability and ended up insulting his family. For those who sling the lingo, below is the full anglicized spelling of the words I used.

hu4 guang1 shi2 zhe3
guang1 zhi1 tu2

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