The Halloween Man
Art by Brad Hicks for the OctoberNomicon Art Contest
The Halloween Man appears as a very tall, stick-thin figure, bent and arthritic. He dresses in tattered black dress clothes including high collared tuxedo coat with tails, spats, dress gloves, and an unusually tall and thin stovepipe top hat, bent and battered like the rest of his clothes. Where a face should be is nothing but blackness, out of which burn two pupiless fiery eyes and a jagged glowing jack o’lantern mouth. An old carved jack o’lantern turnip sways from a rusty chain in one hand, green hellfire and sulfuric smoke wafting from its blazing features; over his shoulder the Halloween Man carries a large black sack. Like the Halloween version of Santa Claus, he visits children on Halloween night, but snatches them up in his sack and carts them off to his lair, never to be seen again. His pockets are stuffed with sweet Halloween treats to help ensnare children: candy apples, chocolates, candy corn, etc. Continue reading