All posts by Andrew

The Golden Locket, the Auburn Hair, and the Bones

This is a Christmas story. That said, it is not a story about Santa, or the Christ child, or Scrooge. It’s my Christmas story.

I am not a person given to a lot of nostalgia. I think I should make that clear from the beginning. I had left my old life behind me some years before to pursue the family business, and that had left no place in my life for Sandra. I knew she would not approve of my new lifestyle, so I never bothered to explain to her what had happened. She was ever a practical person, so I was sure she would mourn for a time, find someone new, and move on with her life. When I saw the golden locket around the neck of my latest subject, however, it reminded me of her. She had always worn such a locket, and, although this elderly woman was not her, it made me think, for the first time in ten years, about my Sandy. In a fit of nostalgia, I took the locket from her, knowing she would not miss it. Continue reading »

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