Graduate-level fiction workshop for Lovecraftians!

Hello, all. This is Sean Hoade, Assistant Acquisitions Poobah here at I wanted to let you know that a fiction workshop is going on that is focusing on tales of the macabre and even Lovecraftian (although any kind of fiction is welcome). Here’s my original call:

This is an Iowa-style graduate-level fiction workshop. It is being held in Las Vegas but anyone from anywhere can take part through live videoconferencing by Google Hangouts.


The workshop will take place on Tuesday or Wednesday nights from 9-11 ET, 6-8 PT, starting June 10 and ending September 16. (There will be no meeting on August 19 or 26.)

We will be writing and peer-critiquing stories each week, plus discussing a different well-known story for hints and tips.

The fee is $120, just $10/wk. (This was originally $130, but we have met one time already, a kind of “getting to know you” session. You haven’t missed anything yet.)

New spots are open because we split the one big workshop (which included local AND distance meetings) into one night (Wednesdays) for Vegas participants and one night (Tuesdays) for videoconferencers. Now we have 5 spaces locally available and 7 for the distance participants. The workshops are otherwise identical.

If you might like to discuss being a part of this workshop, please email me at [email protected]. I taught creative writing at the University of Alabama for almost 10 years and have 5 novels and 1 short story collection out and 2 more under contract with a major publisher. I’ve also been a part of multiple anthologies. So I gots the cred. Um, yo.

Any spooky or Lovecraftian work on which an author works me on with edits is GUARANTEED publication on (We take only one-time rights and then it’s all yours again.)

Please contact me as ASAP is you be interested! Let’s get your work polished and out there for the world to read!

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